So now that we have officially committed ourselves to this move we have got a lot on our plate, and by a lot I mean a whole huge mess of stuff. Aside from the fact that we are going to have to pack and prepare for this move with a now mobile child, we kind of have to figure out where we are moving to. Our little trip back home last weekend was in part to help us start laying the groundwork for some of this stuff. Our ultimate goal is to get ourselves into our own house. That sounds so nice, our own house...
Anyways, we aren't necessarily in the financial position to do that just at the moment, especially since we are moving before BL finds a job. Of course we would have preferred that he did have a job ahead of time, but we have been waiting on that since last fall and as we can all see that hasn't worked. Having to hold down a full time job here and making frequent trips back home to help with his dad's situation has not left a whole lot of free time for job searching. So our hope is that being back home for a few months with nothing but job searching on the agenda will help significantly, i.e. get him a J O B. In his downtime he can be the stay at home parent while I return to the office full-time :(. I have bittersweet feelings about this, but then that is for another post entirely.
As for where we will be moving to in the interim, well it seems we may have two options in that case. Initially we were thinking we would live with my parents for a few months, not ideal but an option that they were open to. Then this last weekend in the midst of discussions with BL's parents they suggested that they might be able to help us get into a house of our own straight off. Of course we would love this and would definitely prefer this to bivouacking at my parents house...there are just still a lot of details to sort out.
Right now we are just in the planning stage, but I am definitely excited. We're finally going home!
2 months ago
One step at a time...that's the best way to deal with multiple big things :)
Good luck...can't wait to read future updates!!
We lived with the 'rents during a renovation. Difficult...but free! :)
Best of luck to you! I love your honesty.
I understand about the not having a job/needing to search for one. It really can be a full time job. Good luck on the move and possibly getting into your own house!
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