Monday, March 31, 2008
More about meme
Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Seven Strange Things about Me:
1- I lived in Spain for three months when I was ten because of my Dad's work. Consequently I understand Spanish perfectly, though I speak it quite imperfectly.
2- I'm one of those strange people who enjoy the smell of gasoline
3- I would love to live in a house with a little bit of land around it, but I am not very comfortable with the flora and fauna that might come with that
4- I have gray hairs; lots of them. Mostly at my temples and behind my ears.
5- I played a small role in a TV documentary on Sacagawea, the directors had a last minute spot to fill and saw me in a pizza place as they were walking by
6- Most people mistake me for being Italian or Native American. I am Mexican-American.
7- I always envied my larger-chested friends until I received my wish post-partum. I do not enjoy having larger boobs, nothing fits.
Now for the tagees: Cinnamon, Soupy, Tara, Meredith, Unkempt Mommy, Kristine, and Pianomomsicle
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Me, in alphabetical order
A- My age is 24, soon to be 25 in May
B- I was born in California and have no desire to ever live there again
C- I can cook fairly well, but never really do because BL lives to cook
D- I have two dogs, both are very unintelligent
E- All of my dad's side of the family lives on the East coast, I rarely see them
F- I really don't like the number four, in any context
G- I am terrible about filling the gas tank, it is one of the things my husband loves me most for
H- I am thrilled they are making the last Harry Potter movie a two-parter, more movies for me!
I- I love mint chocolate chip ice cream
J- My first name starts with the letter J
K- Three of my five bridesmaids had names that started with the letter K
L- I love Lord of the Rings, movies and books, yes- I am a nerd
M- My major in school was Marketing
N- I dislike the word nape, it sounds innately dirty to me
O- My ancestors were the founders of Sandusky, Ohio
P- I am afraid to have a girl because of all the princess crap they have out there
Q- I love the word quixotic, but I don't think I have ever really had occasion to use it (until now)
R- I am deathly afraid of raccoons due to a freak encounter when I was a little girl scout
S- I HATE snow
T- The only time I have ever been on a train is when my friend and I used Eurail backpacking through Europe
U- I prefer to have a bedroom upstairs, I don't feel safe sleeping on the first floor of a house
V- We are moving to Vancouver
W- Washington
X- All I've got is xylophone, sorry
Y- I really want to visit New York
Z- I am looking forward to taking MR to the zoo when warmer weather finally arrives
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Super cute

Another pair of hands
At any rate, I am looking forward to being productive this weekend and seeing that POD fill up. We've only got so many more weekends between now and when we hope to get out of here (mid-late April), so we are definitely going to take advantage of the in-house childcare. Mama's just gonna have to suck it up and learn to live with her own mother.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Scenes from the move

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Bunnies don't lay eggs

One of the few times in his life he will be able to pull off pastel
Clearly intrigued, but not enough to drop his Mum Mum
Happy, shiny eggs...they never saw it coming
Come out, come out
About to deliver the final blow
In a nutshell

Friday, March 21, 2008
It's starting...

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Let's be honest
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I need a...

It's been at least six months since the last time I had my haircut and I am thinking that not only is it time for a trim, but perhaps a shearing. I love my long hair, it's been good to me and in general it behaves the way I want it to. But, and I know this is a mom answer, I just don't have time for it anymore. My hair is naturally curly/wavy, which means that if I want to wear my hair the way that I prefer (straight) we are looking at like an hour prep time. That's from washing to straightening. Clearly something needs to change.
So I am thinking of cutting some/a lot off. Around the shoulders, maybe even a little above. I am hoping that if I have half the hair it will take half the time to wrangle it into submission. I'm also thinking I will need to find a new stylist to do this, things need shaking up in that department too. We'll see what happens, remember, I'm a chicken.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Erin go bragh

Funny story about one of MR's nicknames. We had THE worst time EVER picking out a name for our little guy. We argued for months over what to call him, we differed quite strongly on what could be considered a unique name and what wandered over the line to damaging/stupid. I will let you imagine which side I thought I landed on. Anyways, around six months pg I told BL that this weekend would be the weekend that we chose a name, I was tired of arguing.
So we returned to all of our compromise names and happened upon the name that graces our child today. One of the selling points, for BL, was that his full name could be shortened to a name also shared with a set of islands off of the Irish coast. Note that this was at a time when both a)BL's family thought they were largely Irish in heritage, and b)I mistakenly claimed the islands were off the Irish coast. Weeel, come to find that his family is only a pinch Irish and more so Scottish and those islands? They are off the Scottish coast, erm, not the Irish. So you see, things all worked out in the end, but BL did not thank me for allowing him to go several months under the mistaken assumption that those isles were Irish. How was I to know he would share that "fact" with so many people.
Here comes trouble
Saturday, March 15, 2008
If I click my heels three times...
Anyways, we aren't necessarily in the financial position to do that just at the moment, especially since we are moving before BL finds a job. Of course we would have preferred that he did have a job ahead of time, but we have been waiting on that since last fall and as we can all see that hasn't worked. Having to hold down a full time job here and making frequent trips back home to help with his dad's situation has not left a whole lot of free time for job searching. So our hope is that being back home for a few months with nothing but job searching on the agenda will help significantly, i.e. get him a J O B. In his downtime he can be the stay at home parent while I return to the office full-time :(. I have bittersweet feelings about this, but then that is for another post entirely.
As for where we will be moving to in the interim, well it seems we may have two options in that case. Initially we were thinking we would live with my parents for a few months, not ideal but an option that they were open to. Then this last weekend in the midst of discussions with BL's parents they suggested that they might be able to help us get into a house of our own straight off. Of course we would love this and would definitely prefer this to bivouacking at my parents house...there are just still a lot of details to sort out.
Right now we are just in the planning stage, but I am definitely excited. We're finally going home!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Holy crap, he's crawling
In other exciting and also moving related news, we ourselves are moving! Finally!! BL gave his month's notice today, which means we will now be trying to get ourselves up and out of here in around that same time period. This will mean lots of work and a very busy month ahead of us, but I am just so thrilled right now that I am willing to accept this for what lies at the end. Going back home. Having a house of our own. Being back with friends and family. This past year we have been in such a stagnant state, constantly wondering when the move would happen and rearranging our life and our plans around it. So I am willing to spend some late night's packing and several weekends stressing, it's all going to be worth it.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
We spent part of this day up in the air returning from our trip home. Having spent so many trips up in the air now with this little mister made me recall how much he has changed since the first time we dared to take him on an airplane when he was still a wee bitty bit. I remember how terrified I was of how he might behave, or misbehave, during that short one hour flight. I have to laugh at that now because of his then complete lack of capacity to create mischief, especially compared to the little wiggle worm we had accompanying us today. He still behaved brilliantly as always, but he was much more of a handful than before. He wanted to be up, he wanted to be down, he wanted to hang backwards off of the seat while swinging his firefly toy. In short he wanted to be everywhere. This kid is just bursting with energy and vitality.
So happy eleven months today mister, we love you and can't believe how you have managed to sneakily turn into such a little boy without our even realizing it. Here we come one year.
Me and Mae

Anyways, it was a lot of fun to see MR spend some good one-on-one baby time and I am really excited at the prospect of more playdates to come in the near future.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Objects in chair are smaller than they appear

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Tomorrow, tomorrow
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Womb envy

Let it shine

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Nice guys should finish first
Enter now the events of today, in which some incredibly malicious and downright deceitful employees who work underneath him filed a list of unfounded grievances against him. These are the people who bring down others in order to self-preserve. There has to be a scapegoat, and apparently my nice-guy husband looks like a good one. If it were me I know that I probably would have done something passive-aggressively vicious in return. Instead it is my sweet understanding husband who is left feeling betrayed and bewildered by this strange turn of events. It just kind of leaves my trust in human decency a little shaken. It always seems that the nice guys get taken advantage of, left to be held accountable.
We are taking this as a sign, and if things go as planned he will be giving his month's notice next week. So in the end this will all push us towards the end we have been trying to achieve, getting us outta here and back to home. Still, I wish the ends could have come by better means.
Over the shoulder baby holder
Monday, March 3, 2008
Home again, home again
We get to make another one of our regular roundtrips this upcoming weekend. I'm looking forward to it because we will actually be spending almost four days there instead of our quick weekend two. I can't even begin to explain how not pleasant that kind of turnaround is for MR. Fortunately as he has gotten older and more accustomed to these trips the repercussions have become less severe, but it's still not easy. He has to deal with the flight itself, sleeping in a new environment, being bounced around to see all the faces that want to see him, and his schedule is always bound to be knocked a little off. Thank the sweet gods that he has always been a good traveler *knocks on wood*, lord knows he has been on an airplane enough times now.
So yay for going home and seeing all the faces we miss, but I am sure I will return with bittersweet feelings and the wish that we didn't really have to come back.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
House break

Saturday, March 1, 2008
Please to explain

You're lucky you're cute pal
Wah wah WAHM