Saturday, December 27, 2008
Three Christmases
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday celebrating whatever you do!
Finishing touches
Saturday, December 20, 2008
"Making" cookies
Friday, December 19, 2008
Hello second trimester
Monday, December 15, 2008
Little Bean check-up
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Winter wonderland
Friday, December 12, 2008
Yesterday you turned twenty months old. See, I am only one day late this time. You can attribute this to your old mom feeling better in the nausea department and once again staying up past 8 pm.
I cannot believe that in only four months you will be two years old. I suppose it is time I started accepting reality and the truth that you do indeed get bigger, and fast. This second year has gone by quickly. You pick up new skills and words now like it is old hat, and we can barely keep up with you physically and sometimes mentally. You are becoming capable of mental feats that I really didn't expect to see before your fifth, let alone your second birthday. You have started to procrastinate before your bedtime. You are a smart kid, you know what's coming. So instead of willingly allowing us to trundle you off to sleep, with a hug a kiss and a book, you dawdle. You want to say goodnight to the stars, and check out your books, sometimes you will abandon us all together as we watch the tail of your towel fly out of the room. This isn't play to you, you know that you are avoiding bed time. And for now we let you, because you're awfully cute, but I can tell this logical acuity spells trouble for us down the line.
Here's something else you like to do:
You love cars, and by love I mean you are completely and totally engrossed in all things automobile. You have several hotwheels and a couple of odds and ends cars and trucks you like to play with. By the end of the day you are generally worn out, but you will still pick up your cars and lay yourself down and drive your little autos around on the carpet. Your poor father is at a loss with this love of yours, as he generally defines the difference between cars by their color not their make. Here's hoping your affection doesn't extend much past blue cars and red cars, for his sake.
Happy twenty months kiddo, we love you so very much.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
A post through pictures
We finally managed to decorate our tree. The poor thing sat on our doorstep and got rained on for a bit, but now it's up and decorated (at least above toddler height). We did have some kid safe decorations down at MR's level, but he picked all of those right off. So the tree looks a bit uneven, but it works for us. We also don't have a corral around it at present, the kiddo has been really good about leaving it be. So far so good.
So glad that we have this little park just a few blocks from our house. It was great in the warm weather and now even in the winter it's a lot of fun to take the kiddo there. He comes back wetter and muddier, but it's a great way to spend time and energy.
Did you know that if you ask nicely the st@rbucks people will put your child's chocolate milk in a mini-cup? MR LOVES this. He covets our cups when we pick something up, and now he can have his very own.
And in news that I don't have a picture of, my husband got a JOB! After eight months of searching, waiting, trial and frustration he was offered a job yesterday. And not just a job, but a great job! It's three blocks away from where I work presently, so we can carpool, and it's a great fit for him. This is an amazing early Christmas present for us, a dual income- hooray!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Oh tannebaum
Thursday, December 4, 2008
10 down, 30 to go
Looking somewhat reminiscent of what I recall sporting around month five with the MR. Eh. I am definitely feeling better as of late, and BL mentioned that he is glad to have his (generally) pleasant wife back. I am fortunate that he has a strong memory of what last time around was like, so none of this is unexpected for him. He has been most accommodating and his rule of thumb is to keep me fed. This, he says, was his greatest piece of knowledge he gathered from preggo number one. Hungry = even more grouchy/bitchy/intolerable. He's a smart man, that one.
Here's an aerial view, for anyone that might wonder what I see when I look down everyday. It's still crazy to me when I see such physical evidence of the process occurring inside of me. It's exciting and reassuring, but still just as wondrous as the first time.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
So that went well, though the kiddo was a little overwhelmed from the big day and didn't have much of an appetite for the fare we put in front of him. Guess he is more a chicken guy.
Also, to update from a few posts ago: the doctor's appointment went well. I didn't get to hear the heartbeat as it was mostly a history appointment and they generally don't like to use the doppler until after ten weeks or so. I was a little disappointed by this, but the rest of the appointment went really well and I ended up leaving feeling reassured. Since we moved I had to find a new OB-GYN down here, thus far I am pretty pleased with my selection. I will be going back for another appointment in a little less than two weeks and am actually looking forward to that. Things have been going relatively smooth in the baby-brewing, my nausea really only seems to rear around certain foods (and smells) and the exhaustion has really toned down. All in all I can't ask for much more.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Eff this
Monday, November 24, 2008
Then from later in the day, the MR decided that what's good for the goose is good for the gosling. BL was having a chocolate sucker and the little bug wanted to "share". I think this was the first time he had ever had a sucker, he managed to make a mess of himself. Cute nonetheless.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
8 weeks 3 days, as the belly grows
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Diez y nueve, belated
Sunday, November 16, 2008
That was fun, not
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Reason #137 why he will be supremely embarrassed by me later in life
In other news, I am exhausted. All the time. I am exhausted right now, but I figured it has been almost a week since I pushed myself to stay up past 8:00 and even used the internet. No promises, I will likely be asleep in twenty minutes. But oh my goodness, this pregnant thing is wearing me out. Alright, even more tired just thinking about it. Expect another post from me again in likely another week, I'll be sleeping.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Potty training?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Our teeny tiny little bean baby, and their itty bitty heart beating away. The technician did both an external and a transvaginal ultrasound, and it was with the internal exam that she found the little heartbeat for us. I was starting to become more worried when the tech began to explain to me that it might be too early to even see a heartbeat, the one thing I really needed to see. Fortunately that wasn't the case. We saw it, beating away at a happy 109. What she also found in there was the cause of my spotting. Apparently I suffered a small (maybe 3/4 of a cm) subchorionic hemorrhage, likely from all the extra activity over the weekend. It was a huge relief to have an actual answer, and visual proof to boot. The spotting is still unsettling, but it remains brown and it should temper down within a week or so. One other finding from the ultrasound, they adjusted my projected due date from June 20th to July 1st, as I am looking closer to six weeks as opposed to seven at this point. BL's birthday is on the 6th, and doesn't seem keen to share, so we shall see how that plays out.
And now, for the relief of sleep.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Making a Jack-O-Lantern
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Too lazy for a title
One other random item that made my day, I filled my tank for only $40.00 today! It's usually $60.00. I kept watching the dollars move up while pumping thinking that this was the slowest tank of gas ever, since I had been sitting there a while and it had only reached $35.00. Then *click*, all done at 40! I knew prices had declined, but seeing $2.67 on the pump and feeling twenty bucks richer sure felt good. How much is gas in your neck of the woods?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The reason for my absence, and lack of blogging, these past few days was a beach trip. One would think that going to the beach in late October wouldn't make sense, but then that would show just how un-Northwest you are. The beaches around here are always cold, so really a late year beach trip doesn't vary a whole lot from one done earlier in the spring or summer. You still wouldn't want to get in the water. We went out with the extended family to Lincoln City this past weekend to rest and recuperate- and to give the kiddo his first beach experience. He loved it! All of that open expanse, and the wa-wa, oh the wa-wa. That's water, for the un-initiated. He ran like the wild man he is, up and down the beach. Then up to the water, and away from the water when it came crashing back in. We also took him to the Oregon Coast aquarium, another thing he loves. MR loves feesh, he really enjoyed looking in all the tanks though he wasn't quite brave enough to try touching any of them yet. We had a great time, mostly just from watching our little mister experience all these new sensations and wonder at the little (and big) things this world has to offer. The blonde people in the following photos are BL's older siblings, fyi.