For likely no reason whatsoever I am nervous about my doctor's appointment tomorrow morning. I think, no I know, it is just due to this whole pregnancy being so new and early in the process. Of course I have certainly felt pregnant for a while now (hello huge sore boobs, morning sickness, and exhaustion), but before you really see that little face on a regular basis or even feel their little kicks and hits... it all seems so hard to believe. And how ridiculous that the other reason I am nervous is because I have been feeling better lately. The exhaustion seems to have lifted, and my nausea has become manageable if not really all that bad. I should be grateful, not worried, but still. Before the heartbeats and the ultrasounds these are the things that remind me, oh so regularly, that something is going on in there. Perhaps I am just totally crazy? Tomorrow's visit is really just a routine history visit but I am hoping to at least hear the heartbeat, which would do so much to put me at ease. I forgot just how nerve-wracking this whole process can be sometimes.
To dispel the general crazy bent of this post, here's some cuteness from this past weekend. We took the kiddo to see Santa for the first time and miracle upon miracles there was no line! This was likely due in part to it being before Thanksgiving and also a Sunday morning. I am not one to complain though. The MR was really much more interested in Santa's surroundings (fake snow, gingerbread men) than Santa himself but he did consent to being held on Santa's lap. We even managed to get a precursor to a smile, at least he wasn't crying.

Good luck on your appointment! I understand the worry -- I think it's very normal.
I agree. I was the same way with the appointments and how I felt. I hope you have a wonderful appointment.
The Santa pic is super cute - BTW.
I am the SAME way, girl! But, I know it'll go beautifully for you. I have one next week and I'm anxious, too. Just comes with motherhood I guess. Love the pic with Santa!!!
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