MR went pee today, amazing I know. But it was, because instead of his usual diaper wetting he went pee in the potty. He's one and a half years old and he went pee in the potty. Incredible. This kid just keeps surprising us. Not to denigrate our parenting abilities, I think we are perfectly wonderful parents, but the mister certainly makes things easier on us. He is such a clever little kiddo, and so observant. Lately he has begun to let us know, sometimes, when he has to go or when he does go. He is fully aware of what he has down there (just ask him where his "peh-peh" is, he's very forthcoming), and he seems pretty interested in dealing with it like the big people do. Today he told BL "Ah peh-peh" (I pee pee), to which Andy asked him if he needed to go. MR ran into the bathroom and with BL's assistance used the toilet. He, and we, were very excited. Andy went out and got him his own little potty, which he has already asked for (and used) three times since. Don't worry, we do possess a healthy amount of hubris and aren't going to count our chickens before they hatch- but it is pretty cool that he is even approaching the subject of toilet training. And with enthusiasm. We figure we will strike while the iron is hot and see where it gets us. Having number one trained by the time number two arrives would be almost too much to ask for, but it won't stop us from trying.
That is so awesome! Our little girl will ask to sit on the potty and sometimes will rip her diaper off and sit on the potty all on her own......except she will not pee or poop on it! LOL. She'll sit on it for like 2 seconds and then go off and pee on the floor somewhere. Nice.
SOOOOOO awesome! As you know K has been doing this too, but not as consistently w/the actual "going" .LOL oh well- at least they are interested! Too cool!
last night, she tried to go, didn't and then stood up and peed all over the floor! LOL
That is great! Graycen started around the same age and then pretty much gave it up around 19 months. Then she picked it back up just after her second birthday (about 1.5 weeks, to be exact) and she wears her little undies all day with the exception of bedtime. So, it's VERY doable!!
We have the exact same potty! Little Elvis prefers to stand on it (actually standing IN it is the best.) One of my cousins potty trained himself, so it's possible. Good luck!
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