Halloween was amazing, the kiddo was amazing, the whole experience: amazing. I had no idea Halloween could feel like this again, like being a kid. This year truly was a completely new experience, especially compared to the nonevent that it was last year. The MR was totally enthused by the whole energy of the day. We had family (and a few friends) over for the night and the mister took a while to warm up to so many people in his space. After a bit, and really once the trick or treaters started showing up, he just came alive. He was so excited to see all the kids! We didn't take him trick or treating this year because frankly we didn't think the experience would count for much in his book. He might have just enjoyed the opportunity to ring doorbells. However, we definitely are beyond pleased with how things turned out the way we went. He stood sentry by the door waiting for more new faces to show up. He would screech 'Hi Guys!' and 'Bye guys!' when someone would come up, and he even managed to say trick or treat a few times by the end of the night. He also figured out how to say candy, he's a quick learner when properly motivated. BL and I were just enthralled by the gregarious and enchanting little creature we had on our hands. The night really was wonderful. See for yourself (don't miss the video at the end).

Very cute!! Looks like he had a great time!
OH that is so stinkin sweet. Looks like he had a blast seeing all the kids!! Now I wish we would have done that with Ben and just stayed home. I know he would have loved it!!! Instead we dragged him all over town and the poor dude was POOPED!
That video was just precious! He's too cute for his own good. I can't believe how big he has gotten in just the little time that I have 'known' you!
Great pictures, and that video was so cute. He was having so much fun! I think Isabella enjoyed answering the toy and passing out candy more than she did trick-or-treating.
PS: I was just reading through your other posts and saw that you're expecting again. What great news. Congratulations!
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