We went to the pumpkin patch with some friends on Saturday and had a lot of fun, and a lot of exercise. This was our first true experience with a highly mobile toddler in a busy public space. It was exhausting. There was so much to see and do, the MR was just buzzing with energy as he moved from the goats to the haystacks to the pumpkins- and back to the goats. He loves goats apparently. It was definitely a fun trip and we really enjoyed getting together with our friends and our kiddos, but we are really coming to recognize the full force that is The Toddler. BL and I had to tag team who would follow/chase the kiddo as he bounced around the wide open spaces. We are starting to work on having him hold our hands in public, but with the combination of fresh air and livestock- it hasn't exactly stuck yet. By the end of it I was really dragging because it had been far too long between snacks, I forgot just how quickly I become unpleasant if not regularly dosed with food when pregnant. We finally wrangled MR and our oversized pumpkin into the car and no sooner were we out of the parking lot the little guy zonked. He had a full day, and I couldn't blame him. Here's the pictures from the day.

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