In non-cute picture related news, we have lots going on around here. We have started the liquidation process of our animal stock, which is both very sad and also very relieving. They were our first babies, so it is disappointing that we couldn't see the relationships through, but we also know that this is the beginning of a better path for all of us. One of our dogs has already been placed in a new home with someone who already had a dog of her breed, our other dog is on a waiting list for a shelter. Apparently this is a high volume time of year for shelters. Our kitties too have been taken in.
BL just had a second interview for a promising position with an insurance company. It's a management training position, which would give him exactly the experience he is looking for. Hopefully we will be hearing some good news early next week. Thing good hired thoughts for us.
And finally, me and the mister are going to be flying solo (well as solo as it gets around here) without BL as he is off for his best friend's bachelor party/weekend. So I am looking forward to lots of quality time with the kiddo, though I am sure I will be glad to have the husband back on Sunday.
Things are finally starting to resemble something like normalcy around here.
I'm so jealous of those delicous looking bubbles. My kids have sensitive skin and it seems like all bubble baths dry them out. I'll live out my scrapbook pages through you :)
cute cute cute!
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