Home. Again. For good reason though, it's BL's dad's birthday and they all could use a lift in spirits as things in cancerland have been hovering on the low end again. He is still cancer-free, no worries there, but he has had some recurring pockets of infection that just won't seem to stay away. Strangely the worst thing about the cancer has not been those rebel cells themselves, but the side affects from the treatments. Every time he goes through a round of chemo it rips his body up a little bit more, and following any sort of procedure it seems he ends up spending an extra week in the hospital. Blech. Anyways, I did not intend for this to turn into a cancer-rant post. We fly out tomorrow morning-ish and will be returning on Monday morning. Just a quick trip to sing Happy Birthday and share the MR love. They haven't seen him since he started crawling, so they are in for some fun. And by fun I mean MR is going to totally raid all the nic-nacs that his Nana has peppered throughout their entire house. Should be interesting.
Oh, and btw, I did survive our visit from the mother. It wasn't that bad and she was a HUGE help in taking care of the MR whilst we got some serious packing done. We still have lots left, but another dent was made.

On the road again...
Hate to hear about the cancer, but glad to hear he is cancer-free. I will say a little prayer for him.
Also, on our last trip, I watched my little hunk tear apart my mother-in-law's house! It is amazing what damage these little guys can do! Good luck with that! :)
I'm sorry about your father in law, but think you're right. The MR should definitely lift his spirits. And there is nothing cuter than a happy baby crawling all over the place!
Hope you guys have a great weekend, and glad you were able to make a large dent in your packing last weekend.
Hopefully the little man can cheer people up! Who doesn't love a baby??
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