The bigger they get, the harder they fall- right? Or perhaps with kids it should go, the bigger they get the more often they fall. MR had his first big bang-up today when he and the side table had a
throwdown. I'm pretty sure mister came out on the worse end of the fight, though he didn't seem to notice or mind. In fact, right after the initial crying from impact he continued to be as happy as a clam and didn't even seem to be aware that he had a large swelling protuberance above his right eye topped with a bright red slash. Not quite a gash, but a little worse than a scratch. Bets are on that it will be a black eye by morning.

I think our parental psyche was more damaged than the kiddo, in any emotional sort of way. We will have to see if he takes notice of his battle scar tomorrow. In other news, things are looking a little bright around here.
MR's cold seems to be in retreat (knock knock KNOCK on wood), and so he has been slowly returning to his sweet and independent self. The house stuff is also getting better too. We did put an offer on a house, had it accepted... and then we turned it down. It was a beautiful house and it was in a lovely location BUT we realized after much
heartwrenching discussion that it simply would not meet our space needs for more than four years at the most. It was only a four bedroom, the fourth being a study space located on the main floor next to the door. Not exactly ideal for ever being used as a bedroom. So as much as we loved the house, we just had to let it go. We are hoping to stay in this next house for
atleast the next six or seven years, and we need it to comfortable
accommodate any expansions we might have in this family of ours. I said things were better though, right? Well we do have another house, a five bedroom, in mind at present. All that remains is to put in an offer for this one and see where it leads us. Here's hoping we keep moving forward with all this, and in a positive direction. We're ready for a home of our own.
Poor MR. I agree that it probably hurts the parents more. Isn't just amazing how strong their little heads are?
Good luck on the house! I completely understand about wanting your own house. I so want us to move to an area where housing is affordable.
Poor guy.. with as close as it was to his eye - could have been worse.
Hope you guys find *your house* soon!
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