It's a...

Another little boy! Come mid-late June MR will be receiving a little brother, and we will have a second son! We weren't even thirty seconds into the ultrasound when the Little Bean flashed us this:

Not shy at all, just like his big brother. The ultrasound tech said we were the perfect patients, Little Bean was very accommodating and allowed for lots of good clear shots and rolled over when needed. He was also given a very clean bill of health, all his bits and pieces (head, heart,spine, fingers and toes) are looking beautiful and just as they should. BL and I didn't even realize how much we needed to worry about this until she started checking for all the chambers in LB's heart. It was then that we remembered that we are not guaranteed a healthy baby, and we are very grateful that the ultrasound confirmed that all is well. Here are some more profile shots.

The little guy is taking after his big brother in more ways than one, he is already a whopping one pound. Seems small, but for his age it's a good couple of ounces more than average. Little Bean is currently measuring in the 85th percentile for his gestational age, which the tech actually estimated to be about four days ahead of where we thought we were at. It's always changing. MR always measured ahead too, so this is not entirely new territory for us. We are so thrilled with this news and so very excited to really get into planning for this new little boy.
Yay!! A little boy! I am so excited for you!! :)
woooo!!!! We'll both be mama's of boys! :) So exciting and SO glad everything went so beautifully last night. Love the pics!!! He's already adorable!!
YAHOOOO! I'm so excited for you guys! crazy how both of us are PG #2 w/another same gender as our first! LOL
Big smiles from me to you!
Congratulations!! Your belly is so cute! I love the word "boy" on it. So cute
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