Holy wow, I cannot believe that this pregnancy is almost halfway over. Even more so I can't believe it's only another week and a half and then we get to find out what we're having, I can barely contain myself. The mister was very forthcoming in revealing his gender, I just hope the Little Bean is as helpful.

So at 19 weeks I am starting to feel unwieldy. I am not feeling big, per
se, but I am beginning to notice a certain lack of balance and I even think I am starting to waddle. Not the full on pregnancy waddle, mind you, but it's not my usual forward movement. My hips and pelvis are also starting to feel loose and creaky, something that occurred closer to the end of my last pregnancy. Everything really does happen sooner the second time around.

I also have been experiencing increasingly regular nudges and bumps from this internal inhabitant. Since about week 15/16 I have been feeling pokes here and there, but now there are definite intervals during the day when the baby is up and moving. It's incredible to feel these things again, and even more so since I know how much more regular and intense their movements will become. Even though we are nearly fifty percent there it almost seems like it is all just starting now, I think the movements (and the bigger belly) make it even more real.
You look so cute!! We find out on Friday if we're having a boy or a girl....yay.....can't wait to hear your news!!!!
You look AWESOME!! Seriously. SO cute!!
Looking so good! Love the belly! Can't wait for YOUR big u/s! :) And it's crazy how I feel "so much more" movement this PG! I hope neither of us gets GD again!!
Looking great! and wow-halfway there already!
Gorgeous baby belly!
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