blech. I have officially had to take off my wedding bands because I am afraid that if I wait any longer they won't come off at all.
At least without some sort of assistance. It's a little frustrating because with round one I really didn't experience any swelling until about a month before Skyler's arrival, and even then it was due to some extended car travelling. Lately I have been finding my poor feet swollen at the end of the day's work, and as demonstrated by the picture above my fingers are not exempt either. I have switched over my plain gold band that I
received from Andy on my first Mother's day to my left ring finger, because it feels a bit odd wandering around
visibly pregnant and sans ring. It has Skyler's name, dob, and gemstone (luckily a diamond) engraved on the inside of it - so it's passable. Still a bit sad I had to give this up so early. I also have some travel in my near future, including a flight to New Mexico this weekend, so this
everyday swelling bodes nothing good post-flight I am sure.
I had AWFUL swelling with Bo and I am not looking forward to going through all of that again. Ugh. Definitely keep your fluid intake up -- especially on the plane!
Yuk! I'm sorry about the swelling so early, is it usually later in the day? My ankles started swelling about halfway through my pregnancy with Little Elvis, it was always worse right after I got home from work. Hopefully the rest of your pregnancy will just fly by!
Oh, I HATE the swelling! And you feel like you can't do anything about it, either... Take it easy.
Ugg, I JUST had to get out my "fake" wedding ring :( so sad- I was so sad to have to put my ring away- I'm waking up more swollen and almost "sore" in my fingers , too.
Also swollen feet/ankles at night- I had hoped to get away from that this PG, not so :(
I'm with ya! :)
you poor girl :( I HATED the swelling.
I have a similar picture from my pregnancy with the twins, but I wasn't as smart as you were. I didn't take my rings off and Oh My God, were they tight toward the end.
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