Check it out! My first award! Thanks to Meredith over here. Hers was one of the first blogs I started reading when I got into all of this, so it's definitely nice to get some bloggy love from her direction. Definitely go check her out, her Little Elvis is just a little bit older than my MR- and such a cutie!
To keep the warm fuzzies going I am going to pass this one on to a couple of people, be sure to stop by and say hello to them:
*Carrie over at Life in the Soupbowl. Her little Keifer is about the same age as the mister and always seems to be right on par with his milestones. She is also gearing up for a try at number two and could definitely use your good thoughts and support.
*Kristine at Mommy, Daddy and The Sweet Peas. Her little boy Parker just turned two months and her little girl Graycen is getting close to two years. She's doing a great job as a new mommy of two and deserves some congratulations.
Awwww!! Thank you! This is my first as well!
You totally deserve it, too. You're an awesome mommy and a great person!
Oh, I also forgot to say I love the new layout!! I had been thinking about changing my background and I think you just pushed me!
Awww, thank you! I haven't barely had time to visit other people's blogs lately, so this was an awesome surprise! THANK YOU! I love reading about your little mister, too - it's so fun to compare note (in my head) on the milestones and rejoice in the joy that our kids bring us :)
Hugs to you! And I also love the new layout------- GOOD LUCK on the home situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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