Today you are two years old. In your own words today is "Skyla's Der-day!". I tried to show you how to display your age with your fingers, a little peace sign. When I asked you to repeat this act you looked at your hands confused why they didn't form the number two like you expected. You know that you are two though, you can tell us loudly and whisper it to yourself.
I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone. You turned one and I looked into the future to the day when you would turn two, this day. I had no idea the little person that you would become. I didn't know that you would have such a deep, passionate love for cars. I had no notion that coats would become your prized possessions. I couldn't have guessed at how capable you are at articulating yourself, your vocabulary would have surprised me. You love the outside, you enjoy reading books with us while we all sit on the floor, you like spaghetti and pizza - and most recently strawberries, you hate having your clothes changed and would live in shoes and a jacket if we let you, you are adventurous and timid all at once, you like to climb couches and stairs but refuse to go down slides, you are a ham bone and do things you know are silly to make us laugh, you are so very particular - things must be just so, you are sweet and loving and the most amazing little monkey we could have asked for.
So now I look towards this upcoming year, and moving towards three, and wonder what will be. I know that this year you will become a big brother, and that you will likely become an even more independent (and likely stubborn) little bug. Everything else I know is up to you, all the little bits and pieces that you will put together to form your sense of self and who you are in this world. Happy Birthday big little man, congratulations on officially being two.
Love, Mommy (and Daddy)
Now for the birthday-ness, Skyler had quite the full and fun day. He woke up to a brand new (motorized) ride on tractor from us. He will sit on it, and let us push the button while he rides, but he is still a bit wary about taking the full reign on his own. He then spent the rest of the day being spoiled alternately by us and the rest of the family. All in all his haul included new cars, a train set, a wagon, some play food, a little lawn mower, and some more outside toys. He also actually enjoyed his cake this year, though I wasn't too concerned about that as he has honed his sweet tooth significantly over this past year. He finished it all out with his favorite meal of spaghetti and is now sleeping soundly, likely with his head full of wonderment over how one day can be more special than another. The birthday concept itself is still forming itself in his head, but one can't ask too many questions when cake and presents are involved.

Happy second birthday!! Glad it was such a fun day. The car cake is great, by the way!
That looks like one fabulous bday. I love the cake and the lawn mower. Such a handsome, sweet lil man you have!!!
Happy Easter, too!
Looks like a wonderful birthday!! Happy 2nd Birthday Little Man!
P.S. I just love the storage you have in the last picture (Elmo is on top). Where did you find that? We are really in need of somehting similar.
Thanks everyone! I can't believe I really have a two year old!
And Jamie- It's from Ikea. We love that thing and are actually planning on getting another one for our front room. They have them in a couple different colors.
Happy Birthday Skyler!
Adorable! Love the cake - super cute.
Happy belated 2nd birthday, Skyler! And I am very impressed by that cake. It sounds like he had a wonderful birthday.
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