So we are getting there, things are really starting to feel comfortable around here and generally resembles a home. We even had our first dinner guests over tonight, it was lots of fun to show of the house and all the hard work we have been putting into it. Of course we still have many more rooms to paint, a garage to clean and organize, a few trips to the dump, and some general decorating to do BUT we still have accomplished a whole lotta stuff in a short period of time. Whew.
Things otherwise are going pretty well, the MR has acclimated remarkably well. Now being in our own (baby proofed) space I can really see just how stunted his life was staying with my parents. He has more freedom to express himself now, and does, and he has far fewer boundaries here. So very nice, for us all. He has also been going through a language spurt, which has been fun and frightening. He has become such a little mimic, we really need to mind our mouths more so than we already (kind of) were. It's incredible to watch him put things together, where did this little person come from?
I am just so so relieved to finally have a home for my family. A place of our own where our MR and our future family can thrive and grow. Being out of my parents place aside, just knowing that this is home makes life a million times sweeter.
On a separate but important note- be sure to stop over and wish Carrie good luck and send some good vibes her way. She is the midst of making her way towards number two *hopefully* with an upcoming embryo transfer. Wish her well in giving her little K a little sibling:).
2 months ago
Congrats on the home! And I understand about watching the language. For the past few weeks, I have been terrible about it... and in front of Little Elvis. Definitely have to start washing my mouth out I suppose.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I' ve been trying to leave you a TY note , but blogger hasn't been letting me play :(
Your new home is going to be wondeful-I'm so happy you are settling in!
Can't wait to see how MP is growing! And boy, does he sound like K with the vocab! isnt' it almost freaky! And I hear you on the parroting! LOL
Best wishes with the new house!!!
COngratulations lady! It sounds like things are coming together nicely. Can't wait for more updates!
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